Mistakes of the construction of the storages.

Features vegetable storage. How to prevent mistakes in the maintenance of storage.


Mistakes at the storage engineering stage:

Inconsistency with modern technologies, problem with the logistics component, packaging, processing, delivery, etc.

  • Improper storage thermal insulation. It is important to consider both the climatic and geographical conditions of the region and the quality of materials used, their thermal conductivity. After all, these factors directly affect safety, heat retention, future maintenance costs, and the level of electric power consumption.
  • Choosing of the wrong equipment. There are no universal solutions. Only an individual approach to each product, each storage system which will maintain the necessary specified microclimate parameters - temperature, humidity, ventilation. And the full-time automation to accurately track these parameters.
  • Risk of choosing a contractor for the design, supply, installation and maintenance of equipment. Here, both the experience of experts and expertness, their completed projects, and the analysis of the activities of these storages during operational process are important. "

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