Incools Engineering - professional approach to the storage of vegetables

Long-term storage of vegetables is achieved through the use of storage systems that support the required set microclimate parameters individual for each type of product, at the same time ensuring their freshness, good external appearance and quality.

The easiest and cheapest way to store potatoes and onions is storage in piles. With this storage system, more products can be stored per square meter than with other types of storage. This system is best for storing potatoes and hard onions.

There are several pile storage solutions:

a) floor ventilation with semicircular channels;

b) underfloor ventilation with grating floor or channels.

Floor ventilation with semicircular channels.

Due to the gradual narrowing of a channel, a uniform distribution of air is achieved throughout the entire volume (pile) of the products. The distance between the channels is equal to the height of a pile to ensure optimal air distribution.

Advantages of floor channels:    

- easy to install;     

- easy to clean at the end of the storage season.


Hydro cooling. Principle of operation. Technology. Application.

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Incools Engineering - the participant of the exhibition “Fruits. Vegetables. Logistics "

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