In order to sell not only raw materials, but also value added products, to carry out a complete cycle of production without waste or with minimal losses - not only market understanding, but also quality equipment, experts with extensive knowledge and a thorough understanding of all technological processes are necessary.
It is important to remember that there is no single solution and a complex of equipment for all types of agrarian business. Projects are developed in accordance with client's requests individually.
By today’s situation in Ukraine, it is not enough to grow and collect qualitative production in a large volume. There are always risks associated with both internal and external factors, as well as problems with excess crop, which entails the threat not to sell the full quantity in fresh condition.
The lack of developed infrastructure for the processing of fruit and vegetable products forces producers to sell berries and fruits with a short shelf life immediately after the harvest, i.e. "from the field", which increases the critical dependence on prices in the market, and accordingly entails dumping.
The prospect of business development, in order to authorize costs and obtain additional profit, is the correct processing and storage of berries and fruits, as well as freezing, drying, canning, sublimation, production of juices, concentrates, puree, jam and marmalade, etc.
The technology of shock freezing opens us completely new possibilities. It leads the business to a higher level of its development, which allows delaying the sale of agricultural products, and selling it at a higher price than if they were fresh.
Advantages of shock freezing technology (IQF):
- Efficiency: reduces weight loss by 2 times and increases the shelf life of products;
- Environmental friendliness: thermal or technological treatment is not used, as a result, the protein structure of the leech does not change and the products maintain ecological purity;
- Productivity: the equipment allows freezing from 50kg/hour to 10,000 kg/hour.
- Soft effect: preserves cellular structure, all useful microelements and up to 85-90% of vitamins.
Tunnels for shock freezing
❄ The vertical flow in the freezer is ideally suited for virtually any product;
❄ Flow and air pressure can be adjusted depending on the product;
❄ Minimum shrinkage, minimal ice formation on the surface of the product;
❄ 24-hour non-stop production;
❄ A fan with an inverter engine In the tunnel;
❄ Tunnel meets all HACCP requirements;
❄ Equipment will be delivered in assembled form and installed in 1 day;
❄ Does not require the preparation of a room for installation (plag'n’play), has a self-supporting frame.

Spiral tunnels for shock freezing
❄ Quick freezing of large volumes of products;
❄ Equipment will be delivered in assembled form and installed in 1 day;
❄ Energy-saving design of evaporator with horizontal air flow;
❄ Various protective devices, such as emergency system inside and outside the system, conveyor control;
❄ Fully automatic cleaning system CIP (Ecolab).

Cameras for shock freezing
❄ Freezing in the container (lug boxes);
❄ Low cost of equipment compared to IQF tunnel:
❄ For small volumes.